Tanglewood Numbers Demos

Do you like shiny metals? Do you like Larry David's bald head? If you answered yes to both of those deep questions then you will LOVE Silver Jews. If you answered no but know good music when you hear it you will LOVE Silver Jews. As mentioned before I used to listen to Biggie Smalls and stuff like that in my teens, then I got a girlfriend and she had a tape with Silver Jews on one side and Belle and Sebastian on the other. She'd put it on every night and for a long long time all I knew of either band was 'Smith and Jones' and 'Stars of Track and Field' cause I'd be out like a light as I would have been doing radical stunts on my skateboard all day (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K52c8BjU200 [I'm up first]). So I bought If You're Feeling Sinister and copied The Natural Bridge and American Water off her brother. As I'm sure you are aware Belle and Sebastian became SHITTY POO whereas Silver Jews are still kicking ass and will continue to kick ass, I am sure of that.

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