Sexy Tattoo - The Sexiest Places to Get a Tattoo

Are you a woman looking for the sexiest places to get a sexy tattoo? If you ask a hundred people you will in all likelihood get back hundred answers which isn't what you want. You may be thinking that this isn't a popularity contest. Sure it is! I would imagine if you are looking for the answer to the sexiest location then you care about what men and to some extent what other woman have to say about the subject. I have compiled a list with results from men and women about the sexiest places to get a sexy tattoo.

Top Five Sexy Locations For Tattoo (Common)

These are listed in no significant order so don't try to read anything into it. Have fun with this list:

1) Back of the neck
2) On the lower back
3) On the upper breast
4) On the ankle
5) On the shoulder

Of course the more astute of you are probably thinking to yourself that some places have been omitted from this list and you would be correct. I will now list the more creative, daring and unusual places that women get tattoos that could even be considered sexier then the common list. With the next list of locations sometimes it's about letting them see just enough to wonder about what else may be lurking underneath and of course there are some areas that only that special person should ever have access to and then it is your private secret.

Top Five Sexy Locations For Tattoo (Daring)

These are listed in no significant order so don't try to read anymore into it. Have even more fun with this list:

1) Right above the pubic area
2) Anywhere on your inner thigh
3) Just at the top of your tail bone
4) Right below your bra strap
5) Right there on that sexy hip

I am sure these locations have probably got you thinking about what you are going to do now right? Before you make that decision you should think about the "why" for a moment. What is your intention for the tattoo? If it is to be enticing then showing just enough of it to cause further thought is what you want. Or maybe it's just for the VIP club and of course that means a location that will not be seen by the general public. In any case deciding on the sexiest places to get a sexy tattoo should be your own decision.

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